Diamond is truly a unique material in that its properties for use in thermal and electronic systems are far superior in many respects to other materials. FemtoSci utilizes chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond and functionalized deaggregated diamond nanoparticles (nD or fDDN) for a variety of applications with the advantages that:
- Diamond has the highest thermal conductivity of any material (5X that of copper) - the thermal management of liquid and solid systems can be greatly improved.
- Diamond has a High Bandgap (5.5 eV) - intrinsic diamond is a superior insulator enabling high-temperature ultra-capacitors; doped diamond serves for high-power resistors and a variety of sensors for extreme environments. Schottky diodes are not needed in radiation sensors.
- The Radiation Hardness of Diamond is Superior - the C-C sp3 tetrahedral bond is the strongest, and virtually immune to displacement damage from neutron or other particle fluxes.
- Diamond CVD films can be economically deposited and are compatible with well-known Silicon processing and patterning techniques.
- Diamond Nanoparticles (nanodiamond) can be functionalized and used as an additive to significantly enhance the performance (thermal, electrical, etc.) of a variety of fluid and solid systems.
- Diamond has a low (even negative) electron affinity - making it a superior cold cathode emitter of electrons, from which extreme environment vacuum-electronic devices have been fabricated.
- Diamond is highly Chemically Inert and resistant to most acids, solvents, radiation, temperature, or other environmental stresses.
- Diamond is Bio-Compatible - it is a carbon based material.
Basic Electronic Properties Are Superior to Most Commonly Used Semiconductors
Basic Mechanical Material Properties Are Superior to Most Commonly Used Semiconductors